{"id":1479,"date":"2016-04-12T03:47:03","date_gmt":"2016-04-12T03:47:03","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.pinkimono.com\/?p=1479"},"modified":"2017-07-21T01:58:53","modified_gmt":"2017-07-21T01:58:53","slug":"help-moby-wrap-my-babys-holding-me-hostage","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.pinkimono.com\/2016\/04\/12\/help-moby-wrap-my-babys-holding-me-hostage\/","title":{"rendered":"Help Moby Wrap – My Baby’s Holding Me Hostage!"},"content":{"rendered":"


Literally, as I sit here trying to type this post about a solution for a\u00a0Work At Home Parent who is\u00a0caring for a newborn, my 3-week old daughter is crying for me to hold her. I love my daughter, Scarlett. She’s beautiful and sweet, but she is a serious Stage 5 Clinger. It seems that the only person who can give her immediate comfort when she’s upset is her mommy.<\/p>\n


And whereas I find her game of “hostage”\u00a0to be cute, it’s also terribly frustrating when it comes to getting ANYTHING done. Whether it’s working, doing the dishes or even playing with my son, I can’t always do those things because I have my newborn\u00a0in my arms.<\/span><\/p>\n

On some level I feel terrible for being frustrated by this. I know this is suppose to be the sweetest of times, and it is. I love holding my little girl.\"Scarlett<\/a><\/p>\n

But the reality is, I’m still the same driven, goal-oriented woman I was before I had children and I need to get things done. Whether its designing a stationery set or doing laundry, these are things that must be done and I get frustrated when I can’t do them. Am I alone here when I say, sometimes I just need to have a Charlotte moment from Sex and The City and be alone in a closet for some peace and quiet?<\/p>\n

My Lifesaver – My Moby Wrap<\/h1>\n

I know I’m not. Just this weekend, I met a woman who was in the same boat – she had a 6 week old adorable girl who was also holding her mommy’s hands hostage, too. I am happy to say\u00a0that I was able to give her some peace and freedom by telling her about my favorite solution – the Moby Wrap<\/a>. The Moby Wrap is what allows me to keep my\u00a0sanity and get work done.\"Mommy<\/a><\/p>\n

For those who don’t know, the Moby Wrap is a form of babywearing. It allows you to keep\u00a0\u00a0your\u00a0baby close to your body in a handsfree carrier. Babywearing is an amazing solution for me as a WAHM. It’s allowed me to\u00a0hold Scarlett\u00a0when she wants to be held (all the time) and effectively manage my household at the same time.\"Moby<\/a><\/p>\n

When I’m wearing Scarlett, I can actually:<\/p>\n